Иллюстрированный биографический энциклопедический словарь

конкурсы и фестивали



Forum Gitarre Wien 

Vienna, Austria
Address: 1030 Wien
              Obere Weißgerberstr. 10-12/2
Tel.& Fax: +43 (1) 718 47 38

WEB: www.forum-gitarre.at



Lockenhauser International Gitarreseminars

Lockenhauser, Austria
WEB: www.8ung.at/richart/gitarre/deutsch/lockenhaus.html


Rust International Guitar Festival
(Internationales Gitarrenfestival Rust 2003)

Location: Rust, Austria
Date: 13. - 17. April 2003

Address: International Guitarfestival
A-7071 Rust, Rathaus,Conradplatz, 1 AUSTRIA
Tel.: +43 2685 / 502
Fax: +43 2685 / 502-10
Art direction: Gabriel Guillen
Prasident-Reil-Str. 8, A 7000 Eisenstadt
Tel./Fax: +43 2682 / 75623
E-mail: GG@gabrielguillen.com
WEB: cybernetserve.com/classicalguitar/Festival
E-mail: info@rust.or.at

The International Guitar Competition "John Duarte"
(Gitarrenwettbewerb John Duarte)

The International Guitar Competition "John Duarte" 2003 is dedicated to John Duarte and will take place during the festival from 15th to 17th April 2003.


The International Guitar Competition "Karl Scheit"

Location: Vienna, Austria
Dates: 16-21 September 2002 (2nd Competition)
Eligibility: Age limit:30

1st prize - 7.500 euros + concert guitar;
2nd prize - 5.500 euros; 
3rd prize - 3.500 euros + concerts.

Address: Hochschule fur Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien, Johannesgasse 8, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel./Fax: +43 1 51596 264
WEB: www.mdw.ac.at/


Agustin Barrios Mangore Competition
for musical composition

Location: Salzburg, Austria
1st Competition - 2001
The Latin American Art, Science and Culture Association (Salzburg)
The Contemporary Music Association (Salzburg)
Comments: Prizes in 3 categories for guitar.


